These are America’s hardest-working cities

Posted under Uncategorized by Maly Marketing, no comments 01 Oct

Depending on where you are in the world, Americans have different reputations. Some perceive us as lazy, while others think of Americans as hustlers, who believe in working hard to get ahead. Data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) shows that Americans work an average of 1,790 hours per year. That is the 15th highest number of hours in the world. While we can thank the OECD for crunching the numbers so we could compare countries, we at SmartAsset were curious to see how cities within the country fared. We wanted to find the hardest-working cities in America.

In order to calculate which cities were the hardest working SmartAsset analyzed data on average weeks worked per year, average hours worked per week and labor force participation for the 113 largest cities in the U.S.

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